Eko Styles & Oxy Spa in Okotoks
On March 05 at 5:19 PM
Rich coco brown with some red raspberry on the ends on this lovely lady hair by Kimberley #colormelt #hairpainting #lovewhatyoudo #okotokshair #yychair #highriverhair #calgaryhair @beauifulhairyyc @keune @modernsalon @eko @kevinmurphy

Eko Styles & Oxy Spa in Okotoks
On February 28 at 7:28 AM
Gently remove impurities and restore the look of balance with this non-greasy cleansing oil. Infused with moisturizing sunflower and jojoba oils. #eminenceorganics #cleansingoil #skincarerutine #ekostyles

Eko Styles & Oxy Spa in Okotoks
On February 25 at 2:47 PM
eminenceorganics #skincare #exfoliate #cleanser #mosturize #ekostyles #okotokspa

Eko Styles & Oxy Spa in Okotoks
On February 21 at 1:57 PM
Toffee-Toned Painted Ombre by Angi #ombre #haircolur #okotokshair #kevenmurphy #redkenshades #ekostyles

Eko Styles & Oxy Spa in Okotoks
On February 16 at 9:18 AM
#eminenceorganics #skincareroutine #freesamples #okotokssalon #ekostyles #takecareofyourskin #eminencespa

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