Healing Hands Family Wellness in Okotoks
On September 05 at 12:50 PM
At Healing Hands Wellness we want to make you feel at home, that is why on your first visit you will be greeted by a smiling face that welcomes you to our family oriented office. If you haven’t already filled out the initial forms online, you will be asked to complete them at this time.You will then have the privilege of watching a 5 min video introducing you to Chiropractic care. We will perform a range of motion tests to show you problem areas. Your whole experience will be very interactive so that you fully understand your condition and the treatment required!

Healing Hands Family Wellness in Okotoks
On August 30 at 2:06 PM
Have you taken the time to check out our Facebook page? Give us a LIKE. We post updates and special facts on our page that you might be interested in check out. You can find us on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/HealingHandsWellness/

Healing Hands Family Wellness in Okotoks
On August 29 at 3:00 PM
Healing Hands Wellness' very own Dr. Brad Harper has won the 2018, Gold Reader Choice Award for Best Chiropractor! Call in and book your next visit to see Dr. Brad Harper at Healing Hands Wellness: 403-938-4025

Healing Hands Family Wellness in Okotoks
On August 28 at 12:10 PM
If you’ve ever gone to a social event where you didn’t know anyone, you know how uncomfortable that can make you feel. Our goal at Healing Hands Wellness is to eliminate every shred of apprehension and make you feel at home. Since chiropractic care involves a series of visits, with each one building on the ones before, it’s important that our relationship can go the distance. We’ve found that one of the best ways to have successful patient relationships is to explain everything in advance. No surprises!

Healing Hands Family Wellness in Okotoks
On August 16 at 4:59 PM

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