Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology
in Okotoks
On August 25
at 7:51 AM
Summer's winding down here in what's been a rather odd, tumultuous 2023! Wildfires, torrential rain/hail storms, tornados and wind storms - O my! Bringing forth a lot of change for many here in Alberta alone.
Several Planets have moved into new Zodiacal Signs this year:
- PLUTO, our transformational planet who brings us out of fear / trauma / victim-oriented disempowerment into Empowerment, creating win-wins for all - moved momentarily from his 16-year journey through CAPRICORN into airy AQUARIUS March 24th until going Rx/retrograde back into earthy CAPRICORN again June 12th. He'll return to AQUARIUS January 22, 2024 for another short stay, then stay here for the next 20 years as of NOV 20, 2024! Bringing us energies of the Rebel, Inner Genius, Being Authentically You vs. what you think others want you to be! To not follow the Traditions of the Past - to move further into Future-oriented change - in technology, community, groups, and further societal evolution not sensed yet! It's been 248 years since Pluto's been in AQUARIUS - last time France and the US had rebellions. I wonder what's next for our Canada, moving forward?
- SATURN, our planet of discipline, responsibility, structures, long-term goals, moved into PISCES March 8, 2023 for a 2-year stay. A more Spiritually-oriented restructuring is going on in our lives. To know we're more than just a body and mind. To move deeper into daily discipline/routines that support our Spiritual path/connection and practices vs. addictions/drama triangle role-play of Victim or Rescue(r) or Bully/persecutor. Slowing us down to BE in the moment, as we decide our long-term goals, Soulfully. The previous cycle of Saturn in PISCES was 1994-1996 - compare where you were then, to now.
- JUPITER, our planet of expanding beyond current safe boundaries, taking a Leap of Faith into the Unknown, moved into earthy TAURUS May 17, 2023 for a year's stay. Previous cycle of JUPITER here was 2011-2012 - how did you expand your world back then? Any further work needed now re your set of Values, Worthiness/Self-Esteem issues, being hands-on creative somehow? All your senses need to be on board here - to go beyond where you've not allowed yourself to go before now! And, most importantly, to Speak Your Truth! TAURUS rules the Throat Chakra; it's highly important to speak up and out, especially in these transitory times!
- SEDNA, our Great Year planet discovered this century, moved from its 57-year stay in TAURUS into GEMINI as of June 16, 2023 and will be here until 2066! At some point SEDNA and PLUTO, both in air signs, will send love lines of connection between them in 2024/2025, bringing further information/data/networking connections into a more Future-oriented way! SEDNA brings into our consciousness just how Victim-oriented we are, to help us move more into being VICTORIOUS! GEMINI can be of two-minds, talking ourselves into/out of anything in nanoseconds! The key is to bring something of value/the gems from BOTH, creating something totally new that never existed before! I wonder what the next 42 years will bring our way?
- The Moon's Nodes - North Lunar Node/Soul Direction energy and South Lunar Node/Karma and unresolved issues from Past Lives - moved out of their 19-month stay in Taurus/Scorpio to go into Aries/Libra as of July 18, 2023! Here we're looking at courageous survival (despite the current economic odds!) and "entrepreneurial pioneering in any field" where we rely on our own skills/talents vs. enmeshing them with others - being more independent than ever before! We're also looking at how our close Relationships / Partnerships are aligning with us - be they personal and/or business-oriented. The previous timing of this cycle was back in 2005-2006. How did your relationships change back then? Any balancing needed to find equality, peace and more harmony? Or did you leave them/or they left you? We'll be reorienting ourselves, perhaps Karmically so, again these next 19 months!
- And lastly, VENUS began a new Synodic Cycle AUG 19, 2023 in LEO, bringing us into new realms of Self-love, Self-care, Self-discipline, Self-Confidence and courage these next 19 months! The previous cycle when VENUS rose as Morning Star in LEO was back in AUG 2015. Anything come to mind for you from then that needs your conscious attention now?
That's it for now! A bit of a recap of what we've been undergoing so far in 2023! Connect with me here or go to for more info and updates!
Laurie Rae Rezanoff
Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology
in Okotoks
On December 23
at 3:55 PM
2021 has been an amazing year! Continued changes and challenges. The need to know our values, stand up for them, and to Know Thyself, truly, and be in the moment along the way.
Laurie Rae's House of Astrology will be taking time off with family this Christmas - I'll be closed from DEC 23rd, 2021 until JAN 3rd, 2022.
I'm booking Client readings for January - please email me over the holidays to book your Birth chart reading, Solar Return reading, or Family Dynamics reading or go to my website to find more information to all the Astrology readings, classes and upcoming workshops on offer.
In the meantime - MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you in 2022
Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology
in Okotoks
On December 02
at 1:54 PM
Christmas 2021 is coming! How are your Gifting Ideas coming along this year?
Think about gifting your loved one a full Astrology Chart reading - the Birth chart or Horoscope chart - with a Gift Certificate from Laurie Rae's House of Astrology.
You can buy one from $50 CAD up to the full price of $180 CAD for the Birth chart 2-hour reading, which includes the Birth chart in two views. key handouts supporting the information shared in this reading, cheat-sheet to navigate the Birth Chart afterwards, worksheet of planetary info, plus the audio recording of the reading.
Contact Laurie Rae for more information and to order your Astrology Reading Gift Certificates for this Christmas season! Merry Christmas Everyone!
Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology
in Okotoks
On November 15
at 8:53 AM
Throughout 2020 / 2021 Laurie Rae's House of Astrology has continued to offer online Astrology readings (and classes!) via Zoom or over the phone.
From the Birth chart, initial reading, both personally and for your Business, to the annual Solar Return (both personally/Business) showing what's coming this next year re change and challenges, the Vocation/Life Purpose (figuring out Next Steps re Career/Work), Your Family Dynamics (fun for the whole family - do you know one another Astrologically through your Sun signs and the elements they represent - which all speak to how you relate to one another on a daily basis) and many other specific Astrology readings to choose from.
I've returned to teaching Astrology again, now online, and will have both my ASTRO101 and ASTRO201 levels classes beginning in MARCH 2022 and MAY 2022.
Go to my website: for more information!
I look forward to assisting you onto your Next Steps - Namaste
Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology
in Okotoks
On November 15
at 8:53 AM
I've counselled clients and students through all their fears, terror, trauma and the decisions they've had to make since March 2020.
It's been a wild ride for all of us - business owners, parents, children, single folk - close friends have closed a wonderful business here in Okotoks - due to greed of others. We're all undergoing huge emotional, mental and spiritual struggles that are also affecting us physically, eventually.
Astrology helps. Truly, it does. My Business Astrology gals have had some major ethical and personal conflicts to decide upon, to keep working, doing their life purpose, keeping their businesses going here in southern Alberta, while also knowing they need to also stand up for their values and ethics.
Teens have asked their parents for their Birth chart readings, to zero in on their Vocation or Life Purpose - "What am I meant to do?" they ask. "I want to know who more about who I am" they say. I've done several of these readings for teens aged 14 -19 since last year alone!
Along with women in their 50's, 60's and 70's - wondering how they can reinvent themselves in the work world. It's been amazing to see what Astrology has revealed for these clients, young and older.
Parents / grandparents of newborns have also asked for the Birth charts of our newest humans - "What's in store for them now?" they ask.
Returning clients (both personal and business ones) look forward to their annual Solar Return (Sun returns to where it was at birth) to find out "What's coming this year?" because the planets have moved along, changed positions since they were born. It's been an honour to reveal to each client what's coming, to hear their stories, struggles, and the wins. Especially the fears - "Why bother? It's almost impossible to keep a business going these days!" Yet they find the courage to keep on keeping on - through Astrology - creating new and more Wins along the way, inspiring others as they do so.
Astrology is here to help you - no matter your age, race, gender, etc. There's always room for you here at Laurie Rae's House of Astrology. Namaste
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