Own a business? Get more exposure, get some awesome online tools, and help grow your business by joining ShopOkotoks.ca today! It's easy, just head to ShopOkotoks.ca/add, click the 'Add Your Business' button and join us as we encourage everyone to shop locally in Okotoks,all the time! #ShopLocally #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SupportLocal
Own a business? Get more exposure, get some awesome online tools, and help grow your business by joining ShopOkotoks.ca today! It’s easy, just head to ShopOkotoks.ca/add, click the ‘Add Your Business’ button and join us as we encourage everyone to shop locally in Okotoks,all the time!
#ShopLocally #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SupportLocal
Do you like getting a deal? Well mother nature and farmers have you covered! Keep an eye on what bumper crops grow in your area, you never know what seasonal (and volume) deals might crop up! Bushel of cucumbers, anyone?
#Farm #FarmtoPlate #LocalFood #LocalFarms #Locavore #ShopLocally #SupportLocal #LoveLocal #ShopSmall
Nothing says summer like some delicious ice cream! Tell us Okotoks, where is the best place to grab a scoop around here?
#NationalIceCream Day#ShopLocally #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SupportLocal
Opens Today!Just in time for Taste of Okotoks! Check out the new Main Street Market located at 8 McRae Street in the heart of the downtown!Let's get out there this weekend and show our support to our local merchants#mainstreetmarketokotoks #okotoks #shoplocal #supportsmallbusiness #tasteofokotoks #bestcommunityever