For Vacuum repairs and service in Brentwood, Shawnnessy, Silverado, Mindapore, Lake Bonavista, Canyon Meadows, Braeside, Southwood, Willow Park, Quarry Park, Deer Ridge, Mackenzie Towne, Cranston, Chaparral, Walden, Legacy, Seton, Auburn Bay, Mahogany, DeWinton, Heritage Pointe, Westman Village contact or visit Okotoks Vacuums.
Keep your vacuum running like new with the help of Okotoks Vacuums! For DIY specialists we carry an extensive selection of bags, belts, filters, and accessories for all brands of vacuums. If you don't want to do your own vacuum repairs our experienced technicians can take care of them for you!
Dyson Vacuums are available at Okotoks Vacuums. The Dyson vacuum digital motor is different from other vacuum brands. Controlled by a microchip, it spins up to 98,000 rpm - five times faster than a modern IndyCar engine. Because of its speed, the digital motor is half the size and half the weight. With no brushes or fixed magnets, it doesn't emit carbon either.
Come into Okotoks Vacuums today and put our years of experience to work for you! Our expert staff and unmatched selection, paired with quality, value and convenience, make us your one-stop shop. Okotoks Vacuums provides the knowledge and experience to help you find the best solution for your floor cleaning needs.